Choosing a type of a sample material
Data processing
Characteristic length Classical theory or quantum theory? Finishing the solver selection Structural data of tips and samples

SPM simulator: metals, semiconductors, and non-organic compounds (0)

In this page, we put a characteristic length of the sample material.
Here, we asuume that the sample material is a metal, a semiconductor, or a non-organic compound.
Please choose a micron scale or an angstrom scale.
If you choose the micron scale, we regard molecules of the sample material and a crystal as continuous masses in the simulation.
If you choose the angstrom scale, we consider dynamics of each atom included in the molecules of the sample material and the crystal for the simulation.

How long is the characteristic length of your sample material?

The micron scale

We simulate the AFM experiments under the micron scale.
In the simulation, we regard the tip and the sample as continuous masses.
This simulation is suitable for examining molecular-scale dynamics.
We perform simulations according to the classical theory.

The angstrom scale

We simulate the AFM, STM, STS, and KPFM experiments under the angstrom scale.
We examine dynamics of each atom one by one in the simulation.
This simulation is suitable for studying a system that consists of a few small molecules.
Calculating structural relaxation ov molecules included in the sample material, we can estimate the molecular configuration that is stable with respect to the total energy.
You can choose between a classical theoretical treatment and a quantum theoretical treatment in the simulation for your purpose.

If you cannot find a simulation that you want to perform from the above list, please contact us by e-mail.
When you send an e-mail to us, a string of characters is put into a subject of the e-mail automatically.
This string tells us at which stage of the simulation you have a trouble.
